Funbridge Blog
October Bridge Quiz: the result!
Sitting in South and considering the auction starts as follows, what will your next bid be? Click on “Participate” to submit your answer before 22 October. The winners will receive Diamonds♦️ on Wednesday…
Bridge problem: A matter of finesse
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer West. North-South vulnerable. Card play Lead: ♠3. In response to the reopening double, 3♣ shows an interesting hand which doesn’t justify a 2♣ overcall. The conclusion…
Unusual Suspect
The eternal question for a bridge player… whose fault was it, who is guilty? This new article is dedicated to a domain that is the reason for many discussions at the end…
The events coming to Funbridge in October-December 2023
As we approach the end of the year, here is a look at what Funbridge has in store for you. One thing is certain, you won’t get bored! Coming in the next…
What would be your next bid?
Sitting in the South, what would be your next bid? See solutions Sitting in the South, what would be your next bid? Knowing that you have 26 points on your side, you…
Test your technique
This month’s hand comes from a Funbridge daily matchpoint tournament. Both the bidding and the play are instructive. Dealer North. Both Vul. West leads the ♦ J against your notrump slam. How…
Professor’s analysis – October 2023
Deal analysis – Luc Bellicaud’s Ambassador Tournament – October
1,300 players took part in the second tournament that I ran on 1 October 2023. Thank you so much! Deals were particularly interesting and included many moves requiring precision opposite the dummy.…
Brilliant Defence
In this new article, Jérôme Rombaut looks back at a deal played by Team Funbridge member Nicolai Hieberg-Evenstad. Discover this brilliant deal which could well lead Nicolai to see his strategy become…