Funbridge Blog

Day 5: The results

This month Team Funbridge is venturing into Denmark! Check this article regularly for updates. We will share the results and highlights of the event here.

Unusual Suspect

The eternal question for a bridge player… whose fault was it, who is guilty? This new article is dedicated to a domain that is the reason for many discussions at the end…


Test your technique

This month’s hand comes from a Funbridge daily matchpoint tournament. Both the bidding and the play are instructive. Dealer North. Both Vul. West leads the ♦ J against your notrump slam. How…


Brilliant Defence

In this new article, Jérôme Rombaut looks back at a deal played by Team Funbridge member Nicolai Hieberg-Evenstad. Discover this brilliant deal which could well lead Nicolai to see his strategy become…


The key play

Who said that only great champions can write bridge articles? Funbridge launched a brand-new format of article a few months ago. You, talented players, will be our bridge authors and give your expert opinion about deals of particular interest to you. We are delighted to share a fascinating article written by a member of our community just below.