Funbridge Blog

Deauville: the renaissance

A week after the one in Biarritz, the Deauville festival opened its doors, directed masterfully by Alain Bekerman, who spends the whole year making this tournament a choice event. His objective is…

Hello August

Your August exclusive newsletter!

Laissez-vous envoûter par la magie de l'été, votre Newsletter Exclusive d'août est arrivée ! Détendez-vous et découvrez tranquillement, au soleil, notre sélection de contenus réservée aux abonnés Premium et Premium+ dont vous faites actuellement partie.
August Masterclass

New Masterclass available!

You are really UNBELIEVABLE! We were hoping to see many of you in the first Masterclass hosted by India Natt in July… There were 8350 participants! So, thank you for your input!…

Trust the robots

Trust the robot

When the opening lead is made, it is too late to worry about what should have been done in the auction. On this month’s deal, declarer in a Funbridge MP game ended…
