Funbridge Blog

A powerful system: Transfer over opener’s jump rebid of 2NT

In the French standard system, when we start 1m-1M-2NT, the other minor elongates responder’s major, but that’s about it. It is possible to go much further in the description of all sorts of hands under the condition of adopting a system that combines transfer and double relay responses. Attention, it requires that you and your partner are on exactly the same page, or you can experience disasters
Bridge question Jérôme Rombaut

What is the best lead?

Sitting South, what would be your lead? ► Solutions The best lead according to Jérôme Rombaut The most efficient lead which will also please your partner. Score: 20/20 ✔️ Indeed, sometimes you…

Masterclass reading the lead

New Masterclass: Reading the lead

Here is a new Masterclass that is available throughout September just for you! How about setting a new participation record? 😉 And this Masterclass is about… “Reading the lead” Go to September…

Header India

Our ambassador India Natt

Discover the portrait of professional bridge player India Natt and challenge her in her next Funbridge Points tournament. ID card Nationality: English Date of birth: 1994 Username: INatt Next tournament date: Participate…
