Funbridge Blog

Federica Dalpozzo aka Chicca Team Funbridge

Federica Dalpozzo | Team Funbridge

ID Card Funbridge username: chiccad Nickname: Chicca Nationality: Italian Style of play: Aggressive Date of birth: May 27th 2004 Playing record European’s Champion 🥇 And many more honors to come… Interview with Federica Dalpozzo At…



You are praticaly fluent in bidding when it's just you and your partner. But be careful, after pre-emptive action, there is a great deal of technical diversity in showing the different types of hands.

Technical cards

Teams match – Dealer South, All Vul You are sitting East and hold the following hand: Your left hand opponent opens 1♥ and this is how the auction unfolds: Lead: ♣5 for…
