Funbridge Blog

Let’s read!

Summer is the perfect time to re-read the great classics… of bridge. The game has always been commented on, carried further, animated by an abundant and inventive literature thanks to which we…


Surprise surprise!

Dealer South, None Vul. In first position, you have opened your balanced 19-count with 1♣: Your partner responds 1♥ and then signs off in 3NT over your 2NT rebid: West chooses to…

Christian Lahrmann aka Chris Team Funbridge

Christian Lahrmann | Team Funbridge

ID Card Funbridge username: Christian Lahrmann Nickname: Chris Nationality: Danish Style of play: Solid but creative. Date of birth: 2 April 2003 Playing record World Champion U16 pairs 🥇 World Champion U21 🥇 Interview with…
