Behind the scenes of playing online
It is a phenomenon that has not been left unnoticed: online bridge platforms have experienced a dazzling and spectacular success since the health crisis. But how do you explain this craze for…
It is a phenomenon that has not been left unnoticed: online bridge platforms have experienced a dazzling and spectacular success since the health crisis. But how do you explain this craze for…
After the Bridge Lovers’ tournament, the Valentine’s Day tournament is coming to Funbridge on 14 February! This event celebrating love is a new opportunity for you to show your passion for bridge.…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer East. North-South vulnerable. Card play The 3♥ cue bid is acting as an invite to game here, the 3♠ bid rather being a pre-empt. With his…
It’s to a riddle of a particular kind… that you’re going to be facing here.It’s about discovering a bridge hand (that of South) thanks to a series of clues that enable you…
Want to express your love for bridge? February is perfect timing to do so! Come take part in the Bridge Lovers’ Tournament on 7-12 February 2023. This is a perfect opportunity for…
We are happy to share the latest issue of the Funbridge Exclusive Newsletter with our Funbridge Premium and Premium+ subscribers. This month: a game, a bridge lesson and a surprise… Enjoy reading…
As we want to show our ongoing support to Funbridge subscribers and reward them for their involvement, we are pleased to offer them an advantage that has never been seen before in…
You are sitting left of opener. You have a good hand but you don’t know how to show it. Is this the moment to draw your Double card, this all-purpose weapon of…
Like every year, the yearly Funbridge infographic is out! Find out more about how many people play on Funbridge, their favourite game modes, the most active countries and much more. And take…
Have you played the Tom Drijver Ambassador’s tournament held on January ? Whether you have played it or not, watch a video replay of his tournament then enjoy Tom’s tips to improve…
Summary The Experts’ answersDeal #1: Let us remain sensibleDeal #2: By process of eliminationDeal #3: Another sequence to work onDeal #4: The difficulties of a double fitDeal #5: The nightmareDeal #6: Too…