Defense against an artificial overcall over 1NT.
As the use of the strong 1NT opening declines, the number of interventions increase, especially artificial ones. It is important to know how to react to the three main interventions you will…
As the use of the strong 1NT opening declines, the number of interventions increase, especially artificial ones. It is important to know how to react to the three main interventions you will…
Your hand sitting in South Bidding Dealer South. Nord-South vulnerable. Card play Lead: Queen of ♥. Your partner didn’t relent. He probably wanted to lead the defence to 6♠. East-West refused to…
Summer holidays are over. It’s time to be back to bridge! But are you really ready? Come test your level in our fun and friendly Back to Bridge tournament from 5 to 11 September. This new…
We are happy to share the latest issue of the Funbridge Exclusive Newsletter with our Funbridge Premium and Premium+ subscribers. Enjoy reading it! Your exclusive content to start September Bridge quiz September…
Ready for some brainstorming? This bidding contest is going to put your bridge skills severely to the test! Rules of the game Here are 6 deals. You have to find the best…
Deal #1: What do you lead as South? All Vul. The solution ♥Q: East has shown five Clubs, four Diamonds and a Spade residue. He is necessarily short in Hearts. Leading the…
At first glance, does your contract look lay-down? In that case, double up your attention and prepare for the worst. Teams Dealer South. All Vul. You are South and you hold 23…
This Sunday evening, it is Isabelle, my youngest student, who has a question. She is a little sassy but gifted and she loves bridge. She sends me a message to titillate me…
There are three types of two-suited bids for Opener: non-reverses (non-forcing), reverses (forcing once but not to game) and jump shifts (forcing to game). In this article, we will study the two…
B. Jump shifts 1. What a jump shift shows Definition Opener’s second suit is bid with a jump, at the 2- or 3-level depending on the sequence. This jump initiates a game-forcing…
False reverses Declarer is sometimes led to make a reverse or jump shift with three cards. If a reverse, only when holding a six-card minor in a hand that is too strong…