Responses to partners overcall of 1♥ or 1♠ (1 in a major)
An overcall with 1♥ or 1♠ can be made on hands with a very wide point range, from 8 to 17HCP and the responses are subject to these limits. With 8-11 HCP,…
An overcall with 1♥ or 1♠ can be made on hands with a very wide point range, from 8 to 17HCP and the responses are subject to these limits. With 8-11 HCP,…
This sunday evening, Léa is the one who contacts me to tell me about a deal she played. Léa is a good element but she has a big flaw: she is never…
When Declarer sabotages his contract, or simply plays it badly, the person at fault is found quickly. This is not the case for plays made in defence, especially if what caused the…
Dealer North, None Vul. You play teams. What would you open with this hand? Your hand counts as a two-suiter, but if you open 1♦ you will have trouble with your rebid…
The former president of the European Bridge League (EBL) is not only a great lover of Burgundy wines. He, who describes himself as “pragmatic, honest and analytical”, capable of “procrastinating for hours…
Your hand Auctions Dealer South. East-West vulnerable. Card game Lead: ♥A. South could have opted for a game-forcing opening, but he feared that he would not be able to describe his two-suiter.…
Chess and Bridge are two of the leading Mind Sports and leading exponents of one can be proficient in the other. We set out to discover if we could establish a link…