Funbridge Blog

Bridge article step by step


Matchpoint Pairs, Dealer South, All Vul. Lead: ♠K. The two from dummy and the seven from East. Do you win the King of Spades? No, you have to duck it. The suit…


The Destination 2022 tournament

Mark your calendars for Tuesday 28 & Thursday 30 December and participate in the qualification phase to try to qualify for the big final that will be held this weekend. Thousands of Diamonds are to be…


Rankings of Winter BIC

You were more than 2,000 players to take part in the Winter BIC and we wanted to thank you very much for that! The Funbridge team is looking forward to seeing you…


Free CBAI tournaments until 26 December!

As Christmas approaches, Funbridge and the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland are pleased to announce that all CBAI tournaments will be free from Monday 20 December to Sunday 26 December inclusive! Local Masterpoints are awarded…
