
All-Star BIC on 6-10 July

After a complete season, we have been able to identify the top 200 players from the last 4 BIC editions (Autumn, Winter, Spring & Summer) and we have decided to invite these…

Bridge article 21+1=21

21 + 1 = 21!

A strong hand opposite a weak hand equals big communication problems. That you will have to anticipate … Teams. Dealer East. None Vul. Here is your hand as South: When East opens…

Fourth Suit Forcing for everyone: Lesson

Fourth Suit Forcing for everyone: Lesson (Part 1/3)

Fourth suit forcing falls under the heading of what teachers call “Responder’s rebid”. It is a conventional bidding agreement which is only used in the absence of a satisfactory natural bid. Yet unlike many other conventions, it is a must-have. Here is a summary of it which is both simple and comprehensive, to be read and reread.