The correct part-score
In tournaments, it’s very common for a side to bid but not have enough points to reach game. In this case, it’s important to look for the best part-score contract: the one…
In tournaments, it’s very common for a side to bid but not have enough points to reach game. In this case, it’s important to look for the best part-score contract: the one…
This Sunday evening, I’m contacted by a new but very talented player from the club of the French girls. It’s easy to see that Marion is very passionate about bridge. I like…
In partnership with Bridgerama+ magazine, Funbridge is pleased to give you free access to an article from the last issue. Enjoy! (Click here to print the article). Don’t tempt fate Dealer South.…
For those who don’t systematically open 1NT with a five-card major, the sequence 1♦– 2♣ is a little peculiar, in as much as the opener cannot hold 15-17 HCP and a regular…
In France, they call a player who permanently hands out gifts to his opponents a Santa Claus (Père Noël). When in defence, he will often let a contract through that was supposed…
Meet top bridge player Tom Drijver, your next opponent in the Funbridge Points tournament held on 20 March. To read, click on your language :English versionDutch version English version Every month Tom Drijver will invite you to…
Philippe Cronier invites you to pit yourself against him in a special Funbridge Points tournament. And since good news never comes alone, if you score higher than the French champion, you’ll get 25 Diamonds!…
You have used up your credit of deals and you now have to wait 7 days until you can get another 10 deals for free on Funbridge. Quite long, right? ⏱️ Good news!…
Whatever your bridge level, Funbridge is here to help you make progress. What better way to stay motivated when you are learning bridge than by moving up your official national rankings quickly?…