Funbridge Blog
The operation failed but the patient survived…
Bridge Points launching soon!
On Friday 1 November, Bridge Points (BP), the BP Circuit and titles will make their debut on Funbridge. What is it? How does it work? How to get some? All these questions…
Game-try doubles, balancing doubles, redoubles
Was it the right decision ?
October Bridge Quiz
Your October Exclusive Newsletter
The Exclusive Newsletter for Premium and Premium+ subscribers has arrived! Discover the content and events we’ve prepared for you to get the new month off to a great start. 🎃 Your exclusive contents…
Norwegian Pair Championships 2024
Check out the first article by Nicolai, a young Norwegian prodigy! Who am I? The only junior pair participating! Day 1: A nice suit preference play for the set! Day 2: Finally,…
Team Funbridge is at the Pula Festival! Full recap!
Sitting North, what would be your next bid?
What would be your next bid? Se…
Well worth a 100%…
Who said that only grand champions could write bridge articles? A few months ago, Funbridge launched a brand-new format of articles that allow talented players to share their expertise on the deals…