Road to BIC: advice from champions #1
Every day until BIC kicks off on 26 October bridge champions Milan Macura, Jérôme Rombaut, Dominique Fontenau and Zia Mahmood will share advice to prepare the main event of autumn 2020.

How do you approach a tournament?
Dominique Fonteneau
You have to:
- Find your motivation.
- Set challenging goals.
- What does performing in this tournament mean to you?
Jérôme Rombaut
Don’t try to play differently. Try to be as consistent as possible.
Zia Mahmood
Look forward to the game… not always the travel
To find out more about BIC, click here
I would like to participate in the BIC tournament starting on 26th October 2020. Can you please guide me to enroll my name for the tournament.
Prem Soundra