Road to BIC: advice from champions #2
Every day until BIC kicks off on 26 October bridge champions Milan Macura, Jérôme Rombaut, Dominique Fontenau and Zia Mahmood will share advice to prepare the main event of autumn 2020.

How do you prepare for a tournament?
Dominique Fonteneau
You need to know yourself.
Personally, ahead of a big tournament I have to try to oxygenate my body and therefore my brain (breathing, walking, yoga, etc.). Avoid heavy meals and toxins. It works for me but it’s up to you to find your own balance.
Milan Macura
The most important is to be rested. Good sleep and drinking enough water is essential to focus on 100%.
Jérôme Rombaut
Practise with the robot to ensure mutual understanding with your partner.
Try again and again to understand how he reacts after weak overcalls and pre-empts, how he gives count and attitude signals, etc.
Zia Mahmood
I bid lots of hands and discuss system with my partner usually while drinking good champagne.
<< Advices n°1 – Advices n°3 >>
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