Road to BIC: advice from champions #4
Every day until BIC kicks off on 26 October bridge champions Milan Macura, Jérôme Rombaut, Dominique Fontenau and Zia Mahmood will share advice to prepare the main event of autumn 2020.

What advice would you give to players to help them go as far as they can in the BIC?
Dominique Fonteneau
Get to know your opponents.
Keep in mind that playing against robots is specific. Practise on Funbridge!
Milan Macura
Be confident you can win. Forget the bad boards asap and focus on the next ones. Watch your average and adjust your play – start solid and risk only if you need to get a good score.
Jérôme Rombaut
Keep calm in all circumstances and have a break if needed when you are temporarily out of luck.
Zia Mahmood
Prepare a good partnership and make your partner feel you are his biggest fan. Don’t worry if you have a bad result. It happens to everyone. The game is too tough.