
Your 2020 Year in Figures

Happy New Year from everyone at Funbridge! 🥳 Like every year, the yearly Funbridge infographic is out! Find out more about how many people play on Funbridge, their favourite game modes, the…


The basics of Rubensohl

In partnership with Bridgerama magazine, Funbridge is pleased to give you free access to a special article from the last issue. Enjoy! (Click here to print the article). The Rubensohl convention only made its entry into the…


20% off Diamonds!

Ahead of the Bridge International Championship (BIC) which starts in a few days’ time on Funbridge, fill up your account with Diamonds at a discount price: 20% off packs of Diamonds until 25 October! What are…


Test your knowledge with Marc Kerlero!

In partnership with Bridgerama magazine, Funbridge is pleased to give you free access to a special article from the last issue. Enjoy! (Click here to print the article). From the statement below, bid then play the deal…


15% off Diamonds to play federation tournaments!

Let’s celebrate the new bridge season with 15% off Diamonds until 13 September! Diamonds are Funbridge virtual currency. They allow you to play our Funbridge Points tournaments as well as official tournaments licensed by our 15 partner NBOs: To play federation…


We are pleased to announce this special offer ! 1 federal tournament played in September will be refunded in October! The new bridge season is starting! Now is the perfect time to compare…
