#bridge question

Sitting South, what would be your bid?
Sitting South, what would be your bid ? See the answers Margaux Kurek-Beaulieu’s answers Here the cue bid is used to show 5-5 in the minors without bypassing 3NT which might be…

Sitting North, what would be your next bid?
What would be your next bid? Se…

What would be your next bid?
Sitting South,what would be your next bid? See the solutions Tom Drijver’s answers Nice descriptive bid. You show a three-card heart suit and let your partner further describe the hand. If Partner…

What would be your next bid?
What would be your next bid? See the solutions The solution This is a forcing bid that lets Partner say more about his hand. We still do not know if we want…

What would be your next bid?

Sitting North, what would be your bid?
Sitting North, what would be your bid? See solutions The best bids by Vincent Gallais Holding this 12-point hand, you investigate to find the best game: The forcing and all-encompassing redouble is…