Direct raises of one of a major openings
The principle of the five-cards major system is to find a fit in a major as fast as possible. The current French system offers a bg diversity of fit showing answers, depending…
The principle of the five-cards major system is to find a fit in a major as fast as possible. The current French system offers a bg diversity of fit showing answers, depending…
In this article, East-West managed to reach the right contract. One or the orther (or both) has, however, commited bidding errors along the way. Your task is to find these errors. You…
When the opponents bid their final contract directly, without giving any useful indications, finding the opening lead becomes more difficult. But when they show off their technique and “explain” their hands to…
Fourth suit forcing is part of what teachers refer to as “Responder’s second bid”. This is a conventional bid and is therefore only used in the absence of a satisfactory natural bid. But unlike…
Look at the following deal, where you sit South and play a regular Club tournament: Matchpoint pairs. The bidding (Dealer South, None Vul): Lead: ♣K. East follows with the 2 and if…
Though the basics remain the same, showing support for a major as Responder has recently undergone some significant changes, for two main reasons: the emergence of 2-over-1 in a new suit becoming…