Take-out double or penalty double?
Is it always very easy to distinguish the difference between a take-out double and a penalty double? We have seen the reasons why we would like to double for penalties and we…
Is it always very easy to distinguish the difference between a take-out double and a penalty double? We have seen the reasons why we would like to double for penalties and we…
We have mentioned the fundamental principles concerning the search for the stoppers that are necessary in order to play 3NT. This article will allow us to deepen your knowledge by giving you…
In each sequence, replace the question marks with the correct calls. The point scale takes into account not only your ability to reach the right contract but also the way you use…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer West. Game all. Card play Lead: Jack of ♥. If West had led a ♠, this contract would have been child’s play. Here you really do…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer East. North-South vulnerable. Card play The 3♥ cue bid is acting as an invite to game here, the 3♠ bid rather being a pre-empt. With his…
It’s to a riddle of a particular kind… that you’re going to be facing here.It’s about discovering a bridge hand (that of South) thanks to a series of clues that enable you…
No one ever seems to pass these days. You have to fight to win every auction. The upside of this aggressive bidding environment is that when you become declarer you are likely…
There are “rules” circulating in every bridge club, but their veracity is not always confirmed. Here, we offer to unravel the true from the false for you. This month, these “facts” concern…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer North. Love all. (*) Landy (major two-suiter). Card play Lead: Ace of ♥. First, South only wants to play in 5♦… Constrained and forced by the…