Take-out double or penalty double?
Is it always very easy to distinguish the difference between a take-out double and a penalty double? We have seen the reasons why we would like to double for penalties and we…
Is it always very easy to distinguish the difference between a take-out double and a penalty double? We have seen the reasons why we would like to double for penalties and we…
The wide-spread of take-out doubles (or negative doubles, support doubles,…) in competitive auctions does not exclude that you double the opponents for penalties – with the ulterior motive of increasing the cost…
We have mentioned the fundamental principles concerning the search for the stoppers that are necessary in order to play 3NT. This article will allow us to deepen your knowledge by giving you…
Just because your opponents interfere in the bidding, this does not mean that you should not activey search for a three No-Trump. This month, we will study the principles concerning natural No-Trump…
Without a fit in a major on your side it is obviously a No-Trump cvontract that you have to aim at. Do you absolutely have to stop all the suits? And how…