
NABC Reno 2022

The greatest show on Earth – NABC Reno 2022

There is nothing quite like a NABC. Three times a year, cities in North America host a vast array of players, ranging from World Champions to those taking their first exciting steps into the world of tournament bridge. Imagine being a golfer and finding yourself on the first tee with Tiger Woods, or perhaps a tennis player who discovers his first-round opponent is Roger Federer; at the Nationals, you have every chance of playing against the greatest champions!

Play new CBAI tournaments!

We are pleased to announce that CBAI (Contract Bridge Association of Ireland) is now a partner of Funbridge. As part of this new collaboration, Funbridge is licensed to run CBAI tournaments! These tournaments will allow participants to…


Discover Instant Tournaments

A new game mode called “Instant Tournaments” is now available on Funbridge. Read all the details in this article. Instant Tournaments What are they? These are past federation tournaments that are given…


ACBL tournaments on Funbridge

1969: Man on the Moon 2019: ACBL tournaments on Funbridge We are happy to announce that our partner federations now include the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL). Thanks to this new collaboration, we…
