Take-out double or penalty double?

Is it always very easy to distinguish the difference between a take-out double and a penalty double? We have seen the reasons why we would like to double for penalties and we studied some mechanisms that allow us achieve that goal. Let’s try to see more clearly.
1. “Directs” Penalty Doubles
2. Take-out Doubles that become “indirect” Penalty Doubles
3. The Penalty Double
Practical exercises
Bidding is not everything there is in life!
1. “Direct” Penalty Doubles
Principle : The Double of an overcall after partner’s pre-empt and the Double of No-trump overcalls are penalty Doubles.

100% for penalties. North would be showing great lack of discipline if he were to bid again.
It stays the same if the pre-empt is an overcall:

When the overcall is a natural No-trump call, the same rule applies:

N°2 chose a bad moment to speak; opener has the rest of the points (more or less). The Double guarantees a minimum of 9 HCP, with no upper limit.

East’s overcall is undoubtedly perfectly valid. However, today is not his lucky day. All the missing points are behind him.
A special situation where the Double is for penalties: :
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Argine’s programmers need to learn about these doubles. I had north do a takeout double of hearts with 2 spades and 7 clubs. That soured me on the so-called “take out double,” which is a nice way I guess to say “I want you to bid.” I got burned where penalty doubles got converted to take out by Argine, so I almost never double. I would bid my 4 card heart suit over a 5 card club suit, because normally (i.e. not here) the doubler says they have the major. I like the approach where if I think we have 23 points and the opponents just bid, we need to bid on or double, planning to lead trumps if the double is left in. As I said, it takes me a lot to double someone other than for take out in 2nd position the way Mike Lawrence writes about it.