The basics of Rubensohl
In partnership with Bridgerama magazine, Funbridge is pleased to give you free access to a special article from the last issue. Enjoy! (Click here to print the article).
The Rubensohl convention only made its entry into the French Standard System (SEF) in 2018, when the latter was entirely re-thought and re-edited. Do you know this defensive system against overcalls of our 1NT opening?
Bidding is starting…

You are sitting North. Five-card major system. What are you going to bid with each of the six hands below? 🤔
Hand 1
♠ 863
♥ 4
♦ 743
♣ KQ10752
Hand 2
♠ AQ5
♥ 6
♦ K9753
♣ J964
Hand 3
♠ A9743
♥ 73
♦ Q962
♣ 82
Hand 4
♠ AQ73
♥ 2
♦ K9752
♣ Q103
Hand 5
♠ A1094
♥ 2
♦ 86532
♣ Q73
Hand 6
♠ AK953
♥ 76
♦ K5
♣ 10873
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Funbridgeadmin!! Where have all my diamonds gone?? 310 yesterday 0 today??? Arw u kidding me????
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