The Robson Touch: Trump coup
In partnership with Bridgerama+ magazine, Funbridge is pleased to give you free access to an article from the last issue. Enjoy! (Click here to print the article).
Trump Coup
Despite being in dummy, you cannot pick up East’s King of trumps in this ending:
Spades are trumps. You lead a Diamond from dummy but East discards and, after ruffing, you have to lead from your ♠AQ to East’s ♠K8.
Let’s make a small change:
Now, you can do it. You ruff a Diamond (East throwing a Club), crucially reducing your trump length to the same two cards as East. Now you return to the Ace of Clubs and, holding ♠AQ over East’s ♠K8, must score the last two tricks.
Look at this deal from the Andrew Robson Bridge Club in South West London: (
North-South vulnerable.
(1) Weak jump overcall.
(2) Negative, showing Spades.
(3) Raising preemptively to the (nine-card) level of the fit.
(4) More takeout.
(5) Very optimistically looking for slam and showing their (second-round) heart control.
(6) Good trumps and a side ace warrant.
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