Tom Drijver’s tournament held on 7 May: Video replay and deal analysis

Have you played the Tom Drijver Ambassador’s tournament held on May? Whether you have played it or not, watch a video replay of his tournament then enjoy Tom’s tips to improve your level!

Replay of the Tom Drijver’s tournament held on 7 May

Be Aware of Who Has the Opening Lead

You are sitting South in a tournament. MP scoring.

Deal 1

Meaning of the bids:

  • 2 NT: 20-22 balanced
  • 3: Asks for 4/5-card major
  • 3♠: 5 ♠
  • 4: 10+ HCP 4+ hearts and 5+ Clubs

Please think for yourself what you would bid before reading on.

What are my options?

  1. 4 NT as a non-forcing bid
  2. 4 Diamonds which means a least 3 cards in Clubs and a control in Diamonds.
  3. 4 Spades to show my 5 Spades again and deny a club fit

Despite my minimum, I have to good a hand to sign-off in 4NT. Having all controls and a fit in Clubs my choice here is to bid slam invitational 4 Diamonds.

Deal 2

After 4♦️ my partner bids 4♠, a cue bid, denying a control in Hearts

  • 4NT: RKC with Clubs as trumps
  • 5: 1 or 4 key cards

Please think for yourself what you would bid before reading on.

What are my options?

  1. Pass, to stay at the safe side
  2. 5♦️, asking for the Queen of Trumps
  3. 6 as a final contract

Of course I bid 5♦️ to get a better picture of the hand. And my partner responds with 5♠ showing the Queen of Clubs and the King of Spades.

Deal 3

Please think for yourself what you would bid before reading on.

What are my options?

  1. 6
  2. 6 NT

6 NT has two advantages:

  • Scores often better at MPs
  • The lead comes from West which is nice with my diamond holding

Against 6NT West leads a Diamond and 6 NT is a piece of cake, taking 6 Clubs, 2 Diamonds, 2 Spades and 2 Hearts tricks and only losing the Ace of Hearts for a score of 83.96%.

The whole deal:

Whole deal

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  1. the bid of 5 spades shows the queen of clubs and the king of spades.
    Difficult to understand for me.

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