Trust the robot

When the opening lead is made, it is too late to worry about what should have been done in the auction. On this month’s deal, declarer in a Funbridge MP game ended in 4♠, when game or perhaps even slam in diamonds would have been easier. The allure of playing in a major is often irresistible at matchpoints, though, so see if you can spot the winning route to an excellent MP score on this deal.
NS Vul. Dealer North. MPs.

South was reluctant to risk his robot partner passing a takeout double of 3♥, but a natural 4♣ bid would have allowed him to raise 4♦ to 5♦. When, instead, South tried to show the two-suited nature of his hand via a 4♥ cue-bid, his robot partner decided that 4♠ would be a good place to play at matchpoints. You might think it unlikely that spades is the right game if partner could not bid 4♠ over East’s 3♥. It turns out, though, that the robot was right… if declarer was up to the task!
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It was hard to see
Love thease kind of problems
.It is exciting play even though the ending prove poor. It was hard to see that East’s hand had only 3 hearts. It can’t hurt though to ruff the heart and lead back to dummy and then go back again. Glad you spotted it. …ZBillz