Tuva Nilsmark, bridge influencer!


Funbridge username: tuvanilsmark

Nationality: Swedish

Date of birth: 15 October 1997

Playing style: Fearless 😉

Hi everyone! Meet Tuva Nilsmark, who’s trying to create short videos about bridge that are both humorous and educational. The aim is to entertain players of all levels and hopefully recruit new ones! 😍

The first “Funbridge Friday” where Tuva challenges her boyfriend Simon Ekenberg 🙂
Funbridge Friday” with Ola Rimsted, a top player from Sweden

Aside from these weekly “Special Funbridge” videos, Tuva hosts vlogs, interviews world-class players and coaches to share their advice, and has released an amazing video titled “Learn bridge in only three minutes.”

Interview with Tuva Nilsmark

What inspired you to become a bridge influencer?

I really think we as a community are lacking in the content area! We have to try and modernise the sport and I’m hoping to do that with my YouTube and social media accounts. I think we all want more visibility, to see more behind the scenes and just have more bridge content as a whole.

What are your dreams and goals as a bridge player?

Winning the World Championships!

But I also have a lot of short-term goals as well, like developing my new mixed and women’s partnerships and performing well in the European Transnational Championships.

At what age did you start playing bridge?

I started playing when I was 18, only because I had given my grandparents a bridge course as a gift, but after they had learned bridge they were too nervous to compete in teams play in our club.

With a big sigh I said: “Me and my dad will learn bridge and then we can be your team-mates…”.

After the first lesson I was hooked, and if I’m being honest, I didn’t play in their team for long after that 😉

What is your best bridge memory?

Well, the cute answer would be the first time I saw my boyfriend while I was playing a pairs competition.
But the more honest answer is when my team won a big tournament here in Sweden by an incredibly small margin on the last board.

If you had to encourage someone to play bridge, what would you say?

Just start! It’s such a great community, you can play for the rest of your life and you’ll always try to get better since you can never master it.

What do you like most about Funbridge?

My favourite thing is the possibility to challenge my friends face-to-face. The app is also very practical: you don’t have to be online at the same time as your opponent.
Another big strength of Funbridge is the quality of the robots, which are really excellent!

What did you think of the article?

If you like the concept, or if you have any ideas for Tuva’s videos, feel free to leave her a comment!


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