When an opponent intervenes over 1NT

Bridge article Let's bid partner

One efficient system to deal with an intervention is the Rubensohl convention. This convention essentially comes down to bidding transfers, but one level higher; the three-level. As for the bids up to 2♠, they become natural and competitive (unless bids of two of a major over an adverse Landy).

Deal 1

Dealer East. South overcalls 2♠.

With 10 HCP and five Hearts West uses the transfer at the three-level. East is happy to correct at the same level – after all, his partner may not want to play game. So, West then gives a choice of games by bidding 3NT and East choses to play in Hearts without hesitation.

Deal 2

Dealer West. North overcalls 2♥.

The Double of the adverse overcall is always take-out and shows a hand with at least 5 HCP. Here, East’s Double allows E/W to wisely fight for the part-score and the excellent Club contract is reached.

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