Anonymous T. 26. März 2025Very good.
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘Series.’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘ACOL. It's what I'm used to’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘I enjoy bridge and can play when I want.’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘Not really. I'm okay until I get tired.’
Anonymous F. 23. März 2025Like it
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘With friends’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘Standard’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘To play with friends’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘Yes, play of hand’
Anonymous C. 22. März 2025I must be missing something about the pricing. If you pay by number of deals, the cost per deal goes up if you buy the biggest package. I suspect there is some intriguing psychology behind that.
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘Tournament’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘Goren’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘Gives me an objective read on my thinking and focus.’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘Certainly helps practice play, bidding is interesting but without a human partner who uses the same rules, the lessons are not very generalizable’
Anonymous I. 16. März 2025Good
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘Short tournament’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘Can’t recall’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘Enjoy and practice’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘Yes it does’
Anonymous F. 16. März 2025I like the fact that I can replay the hands
Anonymous I. 15. März 2025Good variety of games and systems/conventions. High level bidding and play
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘Exclusive tournaments’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘Acol system of bidding’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘Started in lock down’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘Good pre-tournament practice’
Anonymous S. 14. März 2025It is one of my favorites
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘Series Tournaments’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘Since I can not talk to my partner I do not know how to answer this.’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘I am 93 and have moved to a new Retirement Community and have not found a compatable duplicate partner so I play an old Bicycle Bridge on a very old Dell computer and Funbridge on my iPhone.’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘It keeps me trying to play a good game of bridge.’
Anonymous M. 12. März 2025Mixed views. Never any price deals on deals only subscriptions. Argine works differently each time across bids and card olays when you compare yours with the same deal for others. Some bidding conventions are non-sensical.
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘Series games trying to improve up the levels’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘None - they all have faults’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘No humans to play real cards with’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘A little. Helps me to keep up my basic skill level’
Anonymous L. 11. März 2025Very easy to use
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘Practice’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘Achol’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘Need to practice’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘Yes it does’
Anonymous A. 10. März 2025I enjoy playing games on a daily basis.
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘Series tournaments and other competitive tournaments.’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘5 Card Major convention is simple and works fine with me.’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘This is very convenient mode.’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘Definitely, I find all-round improvement in my play!’
Anonymous F. 9. März 2025I love playing on it. It works well even on my cheap smart phone.
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘I like playing the series tournaments and the bridge circuit ones.’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘I play a weak no trump, stamen and transfers.’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘When I first considered practising online. I liked the card graphics were like the physical ones. There was also a training package and masterclasses available to try.’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘I play duplicate at a local bridge club. My bridge partner is also a Funbridge player so generally although not always, we understand each other's bids.’
Anonymous Q. 2. März 2025Excelent.
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘Tournaments.’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘5 card majors.’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘Play anytime.’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘Yes.’
Anonymous A. 27. Februar 2025Big improvement!!!, how ever still the defence signals of AI overrules the settings
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘Team tournament, series tournaments and ABCL federation tournament’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘Usually the convention allowed in ACBL as almost everything after 1NT/2NT - Stayman, Transfers etc, 1m-1M-1NT-2Cl Checkback Stayman; 1M - 2NT and others’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘Lack of time to go toplay life tournament’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘Yes, especially FB has improve my discipline in card playing; There is some tuning of some conventions’
Anonymous D. 23. Februar 2025Unclear if we can earn master points relevant to my country - Australia
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘Practice’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘Ones relevant to American Standard’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘For practice’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘Think so, seeing my ranking and then wondering how I can improve’
Anonymous K. 17. Februar 2025It’s great 👍
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘Tournament’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘Accol’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘To keep my brain functioning’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘Yes because of the comments afterwards and suggestions’
Anonymous N. 14. Februar 2025I don’t like to buy diamond chips to play I think it’s not justified Mainly I play with friends a lot of other apps provide it for nothing
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘I mainly play with friends and the daily tournaments’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘Nothing special’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘I am retired and I was waiting to have to play bridge I found the app on Apple Store’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘I don’t know I only play on line’
Anonymous F. 13. Februar 2025It could be better.
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘Too often they interrupt the team tournaments for maintenance messages and these are incredibly distracting.’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘Basic ones.’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘It suits me.’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘Not when the robots can’t count.’
Anonymous P. 13. Februar 2025I really enjoy it but not so much when I made up a table with 4 friends who also play on Funbridge. We had a lot of trouble and always seemed to be waiting for people to join us and we often lost one of our players. This part of Funbridge certainly needs to be improved
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘I love he challenges and also the tournaments’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘I play standard American and most of the conventions that go with it’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘Because I enjoy it and it uses my brain’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘It helps playing the cards’
Anonymous C. 12. Februar 2025Love it
Bevorzugter Spielmodus: ‘Series tournaments and masterclasses’
Verwendetes Bietsystem: ‘Stayman and Jacoby - don’t know much about the other ones’
overview.testimonial.whyfunbridge ‘Good display good lessons works welk’
overview.testimonial.helpImprove ‘I think so especially the master classes’
Anonymous S. 11. Februar 2025I like it