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CBAI Tournaments

What is a CBAI Local Masterpoints tournament?

This is an official tournament run in partnership with the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland.
CBAI tournaments allow participants to increase their federation rank thanks to the official points (Local Masterpoints) awarded at the end of each tournament (provided that the participant is a member of the federation).

Can I take part in CBAI Local Masterpoints tournaments if I am not a CBAI member?

Yes, these tournaments are open to everyone.

What are the "Funbridge Points" awarded at the end of each tournament for?

For each federation tournament played, you earn Funbridge Points on top of those awarded by the federation.
They allow you to enter the Funbridge Points rankings which is perfect to see how you compare to the whole community of Funbridge players.

What is a "Funbridge Points tournament"?

This is a tournament allowing you to earn Funbridge Points only.

What are the features of CBAI tournaments (frequency, rankings, number of deals)?

  • 1 daily tournament
  • Daylong (03:00-03:00)
  • Scored by IMPs on Tuesday & Friday and MPs on other weekdays
  • 12 deals

What is the entry fee?

Each federation tournament costs a certain amount of Diamonds ♦️ (the virtual currency used on Funbridge). Packs of Diamonds are available in our online shop and from the federation tournaments homescreen.

Why aren't other players' results displayed?

At the end of the deal, players have only access to their own result on the deal, i.e. contract played, result, score and rank.
Other players' results are displayed only when the tournament is over.

How are the deals of a tournament dealt?

The number of deals generated for a tournament is higher than the number of deals played so that all players won't play the same deals and not in the same order.

Are non-played deals included in the score displayed?

The average displayed takes into account results on deals played. Only played deals are taken into account. Any non-played deal at the end of the tournament will get a score of 0%.

How are Local Masterpoints awarded?

Masterpoints are awarded by CBAI itself according to the formula below:

No of participants in tournament1st place2nd place3rd place4th place5th place6th place7th place
Up to 84020----
9 - 12553520---
13 - 1675553515--
17 - 209575553515-
21 - 2412010080604020
25 +15013011090705030