Nos partenaires
Annuaire du bridge
Very detailed bridge lessons for beginners.
A Teacher First
Learn how to play bridge and solve puzzles.
Bridge Bears
Learn how to play bridge.
Bridge Clues
Bridge puzzle type entertainment and clues to improve your bridge game.
Bridge Guys
Detailed information about bridge conventions and history. Also offers a glossary.
Play Online Bridge
Many bridge resources including reviews of online bridge sites and bridge games, rules and basics of bridge, bridge conventions and a glossary of bridge terms.
Two over One
Offers a programme for players looking to improve their bridge game and having interest in playing the 2/1 system of bridge.
Claire Bridge
Site destiné à tous ceux qui aiment le bridge.
Le Bridge
Pour apprendre à jouer au bridge à partir des fondamentaux.

Very detailed bridge lessons for beginners.
A Teacher First

Learn how to play bridge and solve puzzles.
Bridge Bears

Learn how to play bridge.
Bridge Clues

Bridge puzzle type entertainment and clues to improve your bridge game.
Bridge Guys

Detailed information about bridge conventions and history. Also offers a glossary.
Play Online Bridge

Many bridge resources including reviews of online bridge sites and bridge games, rules and basics of bridge, bridge conventions and a glossary of bridge terms.
Two over One

Offers a programme for players looking to improve their bridge game and having interest in playing the 2/1 system of bridge.
Claire Bridge

Site destiné à tous ceux qui aiment le bridge.
Le Bridge

Pour apprendre à jouer au bridge à partir des fondamentaux.
Magazines de bridge et actualité
Audrey Grant's Better Bridge
Bridge information from all over the world.
Australian Bridge Magazine
Magazine for experienced bridge players.
Bridge Daily Bulletins
A collection of daily bridge bulletins.
Bridge In India
About bridge news and events.
Bridge Magazine Online
Articles about major bridge events, testing problems, opening leads, bidding, book reviews, quizzes, etc.
ECatsBridge works with many different organisations, including the WBF and the EBF. Provides direct links to bridge news from various sources and lists of events with detailed information and results.
The International Bridge Press Association assists bridge journalists and publishes the IBPA Bulletin every month.
Daily bridge news.
The Bridge Bulletin
The ACBL magazine for players of all levels
The Bridge World
A leading bridge magazine filled with articles, stories, tips, quizzes, examples, tournament reports, and much more to help bridge players improve their understanding and appreciation of the game.
The New York Times
A collection of bridge columns by Phillip Alder published in The New York Times.
NEToo Annuaire
Annuaire francophone NEToo.
WebRankInfo et DicoDuNet
Le site Funbridge est listé dans la catégorie Jeux de cartes : Jeu de bridge de l'annuaire WebRankInfo et sur DicoDuNet
Dutch bridge magazine.
Neapolitan Club
Bridge news, reviews, interviews, etc.

Bridge information from all over the world.
Australian Bridge Magazine

Magazine for experienced bridge players.
Bridge Daily Bulletins

A collection of daily bridge bulletins.
Bridge In India

About bridge news and events.
Bridge Magazine Online

Articles about major bridge events, testing problems, opening leads, bidding, book reviews, quizzes, etc.

ECatsBridge works with many different organisations, including the WBF and the EBF. Provides direct links to bridge news from various sources and lists of events with detailed information and results.

The International Bridge Press Association assists bridge journalists and publishes the IBPA Bulletin every month.

Daily bridge news.
The Bridge Bulletin

The ACBL magazine for players of all levels
The Bridge World

A leading bridge magazine filled with articles, stories, tips, quizzes, examples, tournament reports, and much more to help bridge players improve their understanding and appreciation of the game.
The New York Times

A collection of bridge columns by Phillip Alder published in The New York Times.
NEToo Annuaire

Annuaire francophone NEToo.
WebRankInfo et DicoDuNet

Le site Funbridge est listé dans la catégorie Jeux de cartes : Jeu de bridge de l'annuaire WebRankInfo et sur DicoDuNet

Dutch bridge magazine.
Neapolitan Club

Bridge news, reviews, interviews, etc.
Boutiques en ligne et matériel de bridge
Baron Barclay
A leading retailer of books and supplies on the game of bridge. Offers books, computer programmes, electronic bridge games, videos, playing cards and many other items.
Online bridge store based in New Zealand selling club supplies, software, playing cards, books, etc.
Manufacturer and wholesaler of bridge equipment.
John Hardy
Contract bridge products and other games.
Master Point Press
Canadian publisher of books for bridge players of all levels.
Paul Lavings
Bridge books and supplies.
The Bridge Shop
Online bridge store based in Australia selling books, software and various other supplies.
Jeux de cartes
Différents jeux de cartes pour jouer en ligne.
Le port@il du Bridge & des Jeux
Bridgeur débutant ou expert, vous y trouverez tous les éléments pour satisfaire votre passion naissante ou ancienne.

A leading retailer of books and supplies on the game of bridge. Offers books, computer programmes, electronic bridge games, videos, playing cards and many other items.

Online bridge store based in New Zealand selling club supplies, software, playing cards, books, etc.

Manufacturer and wholesaler of bridge equipment.
John Hardy

Contract bridge products and other games.
Master Point Press

Canadian publisher of books for bridge players of all levels.
Paul Lavings

Bridge books and supplies.
The Bridge Shop

Online bridge store based in Australia selling books, software and various other supplies.
Jeux de cartes

Différents jeux de cartes pour jouer en ligne.
Le port@il du Bridge & des Jeux

Bridgeur débutant ou expert, vous y trouverez tous les éléments pour satisfaire votre passion naissante ou ancienne.
Fédérations et organisations nationales/internationales
Official website of the American Bridge Association.
Official website of the American Contract Bridge League. Its territory includes the United States, Canada, Mexico and Bermuda.
Official website of the Asia Pacific Bridge Federation.
Official website of the Bridge Federation of Asia & Middle East.
Official website of the Central American and Caribbean Bridge Federation.
Official website of the Canadian Bridge Federation.
Official website of the European Bridge League.
Official website of the English Bridge Union.
Official website of the World Bridge Federation.
Site officiel de la Fédération française de Bridge.
Nederlandse Bridge Bond
Official website of the Dutch Bridge Federation.
Federazione Italiana Gioco Bridge
Official website of the Italian Bridge Federation.
Official website of the Spanish Bridge Association.
Official website of the South American Bridge Confederation.
Deutscher Bridge-Verband e.V.
Official website of the German Bridge Federation.
Polski Związek Brydża Sportowego
Oficjalna witryna Polskiego Związku Brydża Sportowego.
Official website of the Danish Bridge Federation.
Svenska Bridgeförbundet
Official website of the Swedish Bridge Federation.
Norsk Bridgeforbund
Official website of the Norwegian Bridge Federation.
Official website of the Chinese Contract Bridge Association.

Official website of the American Bridge Association.

Official website of the American Contract Bridge League. Its territory includes the United States, Canada, Mexico and Bermuda.

Official website of the Asia Pacific Bridge Federation.

Official website of the Bridge Federation of Asia & Middle East.

Official website of the Central American and Caribbean Bridge Federation.

Official website of the Canadian Bridge Federation.

Official website of the European Bridge League.

Official website of the English Bridge Union.

Official website of the World Bridge Federation.

Site officiel de la Fédération française de Bridge.
Nederlandse Bridge Bond

Official website of the Dutch Bridge Federation.
Federazione Italiana Gioco Bridge

Official website of the Italian Bridge Federation.

Official website of the Spanish Bridge Association.

Official website of the South American Bridge Confederation.
Deutscher Bridge-Verband e.V.

Official website of the German Bridge Federation.
Polski Związek Brydża Sportowego

Oficjalna witryna Polskiego Związku Brydża Sportowego.

Official website of the Danish Bridge Federation.
Svenska Bridgeförbundet

Official website of the Swedish Bridge Federation.
Norsk Bridgeforbund

Official website of the Norwegian Bridge Federation.

Official website of the Chinese Contract Bridge Association.
Organisations et clubs locaux/régionaux
ACBL districts and units
To find a list of the units in each district and links to unit and district websites.
Bridge Club of Atlanta
Official website of the Bridge Club of Atlanta, United States.
Bridge Club Arras
Club de bridge d'Arras. Le bridge est un sport de l'esprit accessible à tous qui permet échange et communication. Tournois de régularité dotés de points d'expert, tournois simultanés, parties libres et école du bridge.
Bridge club de Lille
Le plus beau club de la région lilloise.
Bridge Club Narbonne
Créé en 1965 initialement au 5 Boulevard Ferroul à Narbonne sous la présidence du Docteur MARCO, le Bridge Club de Narbonne a progressé régulièrement depuis lors. Sous l'impulsion du Docteur MERIC, le club a été transféré en 1990 Avenue de la Mer dans des locaux spécialement conçus et aménagés pour la pratique du bridge, ceci en partenariat avec la ville. Il s'agissait à l'époque d'une expérience unique en France. Aujourd'hui, fort de ses 301 membres, pratiquants assidus, le club fait cohabiter harmonieusement ceux qui souhaitent pratiquer une activité ludique enrichissante et les amateurs de compétitions.
Comité des Flandres de Bridge
Toutes les informations sur les clubs du 59 et les tournois dans les Flandres.
Le Comité de Haute-Normandie
Le Comité de Haute-Normandie regroupe les 28 clubs des districts du Havre, de Rouen et d'Evreux.
Ecole française de bridge
A Paris, près de la porte Maillot, venez prendre des cours de tous niveaux ou jouer des parties libres surveillées, des tournois commentés ou des tournois classiques.
Nikaïa Bridge Club
Nikaïa BC - 234 route de Grenoble 06200 NICE - Tél. :
Bridge club de Looier
Official website of the Dutch B.C. de Looier.
Bridgeschool Crusio
Bridge classes by Gerard Crusio.

To find a list of the units in each district and links to unit and district websites.
Bridge Club of Atlanta

Official website of the Bridge Club of Atlanta, United States.
Bridge Club Arras

Club de bridge d'Arras. Le bridge est un sport de l'esprit accessible à tous qui permet échange et communication. Tournois de régularité dotés de points d'expert, tournois simultanés, parties libres et école du bridge.
Bridge club de Lille

Le plus beau club de la région lilloise.
Bridge Club Narbonne

Créé en 1965 initialement au 5 Boulevard Ferroul à Narbonne sous la présidence du Docteur MARCO, le Bridge Club de Narbonne a progressé régulièrement depuis lors. Sous l'impulsion du Docteur MERIC, le club a été transféré en 1990 Avenue de la Mer dans des locaux spécialement conçus et aménagés pour la pratique du bridge, ceci en partenariat avec la ville. Il s'agissait à l'époque d'une expérience unique en France. Aujourd'hui, fort de ses 301 membres, pratiquants assidus, le club fait cohabiter harmonieusement ceux qui souhaitent pratiquer une activité ludique enrichissante et les amateurs de compétitions.
Comité des Flandres de Bridge

Toutes les informations sur les clubs du 59 et les tournois dans les Flandres.
Le Comité de Haute-Normandie

Le Comité de Haute-Normandie regroupe les 28 clubs des districts du Havre, de Rouen et d'Evreux.
Ecole française de bridge

A Paris, près de la porte Maillot, venez prendre des cours de tous niveaux ou jouer des parties libres surveillées, des tournois commentés ou des tournois classiques.
Nikaïa Bridge Club

Nikaïa BC - 234 route de Grenoble 06200 NICE - Tél. :
Bridge club de Looier

Official website of the Dutch B.C. de Looier.
Bridgeschool Crusio

Bridge classes by Gerard Crusio.
Sites perso
Aces on Bridge
Daily columns on bridge by Bobby Wolff.
Andrew Robson
Articles and courses by Andrew Robson.
Andrew's Bridge Blog
Articles on bidding at bridge.
Barnet Shenkin
Online lessons, bridge hands and blog.
Bridge Blogging
Links to bridge blogs.
Bridge for Everyone
Website hosted by New York Times bridge columnist Phillip Alder. Articles, challenges, quizzes and blog.
Bridge Teaching by Kitty Cooper
Materials for bridge students and teachers.
Bridge Tuition
Bridge tuition available for small groups of players and seminars provided for bridge clubs in the South West of England. Also bridge lessons available (bidding, defence, declarer play, conventions, etc.) in PowerPoint format on cd or sent via email - see website for details.
Bridge With Larry Cohen
Articles, bidding hands, quizzes and more.
Bridge with Patty!
Learn how to play bridge, or polish your bidding knowledge, with Patty Tucker’s bridge books.
Bryan Berg is a Guinness World Record holder with the world’s largest house of playing cards. Visit the gallery of his most beautiful card structures!
David Stevenson
General information, events, articles, systems and conventions.
Eddie Kantar
Free articles, bridge problems, quizzes and tips.
For Bridge Players
Bridge basics, quizzes, articles, lessons and more.
Howard Bigot-Johnson's Bizarre World of Bridge
Bridge blog.
Justin Lall
Blog by bridge player Justin Lall.
Marty Bergen
Online lessons, books, booklets, free downloads, etc.
Mike Lawrence's Bridge Site
Bridge products, articles and links.
Play Better Bridge
Bridge lesson materials by Donna and Chris Compton.
Play Bridge with Gloria
Bridge tips, aids, gifts and cruises.
Play'n Learn with Pat Harrington
Materials for students, lessons, articles, recommended reading and software, products.
Richard Pavlicek
Bridge basics, quizzes, articles, practice, systems & conventions, advanced lessons and many other resources.
Articles, daily problems, weekly quizzes, videos, store, bridge holidays and blog.
StockenBridge Breaks
Luxury bridge holidays in the UK and abroad. Fabulous locations, wonderful food, stimulating company and fun, friendly bridge!
The Bridge Table
Website hosted by Maggy Simony. Includes a blog, book reviews and bridge links.
Views from the bridge table
Blog by a Swedish bridge player about card play, bidding, auctions and bidding theory.
Doris Wasser
Bridge basics, exercises, scoring, conventions and systems.
Grzegorz Plewniak
Bridge theory, game rules, bidding, scoring and hand generator among other things.
Bridge Kromann
100 conventions and other stuff you need to improve your play. You can also subscribe to the newsletter for free.

Daily columns on bridge by Bobby Wolff.
Andrew Robson

Articles and courses by Andrew Robson.
Andrew's Bridge Blog

Articles on bidding at bridge.
Barnet Shenkin

Online lessons, bridge hands and blog.
Bridge Blogging

Links to bridge blogs.
Bridge for Everyone

Website hosted by New York Times bridge columnist Phillip Alder. Articles, challenges, quizzes and blog.
Bridge Teaching by Kitty Cooper

Materials for bridge students and teachers.
Bridge Tuition

Bridge tuition available for small groups of players and seminars provided for bridge clubs in the South West of England. Also bridge lessons available (bidding, defence, declarer play, conventions, etc.) in PowerPoint format on cd or sent via email - see website for details.

Articles, bidding hands, quizzes and more.
Bridge with Patty!

Learn how to play bridge, or polish your bidding knowledge, with Patty Tucker’s bridge books.

Bryan Berg is a Guinness World Record holder with the world’s largest house of playing cards. Visit the gallery of his most beautiful card structures!
David Stevenson

General information, events, articles, systems and conventions.
Eddie Kantar

Free articles, bridge problems, quizzes and tips.
For Bridge Players

Bridge basics, quizzes, articles, lessons and more.
Howard Bigot-Johnson's Bizarre World of Bridge

Bridge blog.
Justin Lall

Blog by bridge player Justin Lall.
Marty Bergen

Online lessons, books, booklets, free downloads, etc.
Mike Lawrence's Bridge Site

Bridge products, articles and links.

Bridge lesson materials by Donna and Chris Compton.
Play Bridge with Gloria

Bridge tips, aids, gifts and cruises.
Play'n Learn with Pat Harrington

Materials for students, lessons, articles, recommended reading and software, products.
Richard Pavlicek

Bridge basics, quizzes, articles, practice, systems & conventions, advanced lessons and many other resources.

Articles, daily problems, weekly quizzes, videos, store, bridge holidays and blog.
StockenBridge Breaks

Luxury bridge holidays in the UK and abroad. Fabulous locations, wonderful food, stimulating company and fun, friendly bridge!
The Bridge Table

Website hosted by Maggy Simony. Includes a blog, book reviews and bridge links.
Views from the bridge table

Blog by a Swedish bridge player about card play, bidding, auctions and bidding theory.
Doris Wasser

Bridge basics, exercises, scoring, conventions and systems.
Grzegorz Plewniak

Bridge theory, game rules, bidding, scoring and hand generator among other things.
Bridge Kromann

100 conventions and other stuff you need to improve your play. You can also subscribe to the newsletter for free.
Bridge Winners
Bridge articles, problems and lessons.
Descriptions of bidding conventions, pages about famous bridge players and personal bridge articles.
A Windows application designed to meet the needs of players, teachers, game directors, and publishers. Prepares hand diagrams for lesson handouts, printed hand records, web pages, and more.
Bridge encyclopaedia, conventions, products, tournaments and practice.
Supplies for bridge club managers and resources for bridge players.
Fifth Chair
Fifth Chair promotes online bridge education for players of all levels. Their website includes a glossary, lessons on various topics, books and links.
Great Bridge Links
Links to bridge tournaments and online bridge clubs, news, various resources to learn to play bridge, gifts and supplies.
Website about card games offering a page on bridge. Intended for people who have some experience of card games, but not knowledge of bridge. Provides information on the different types of bridge and resources on the Internet.
The Bridge Player
Old articles on the rules and history of bridge.
Site d'informations sur le bridge avec jeux et exercices, articles sur les enchères et le jeu de la carte, technique et probabilités (répartitions de donnes, maniements de couleurs, etc.), arbitrage et direction de tournois.

Bridge articles, problems and lessons.

Descriptions of bidding conventions, pages about famous bridge players and personal bridge articles.

A Windows application designed to meet the needs of players, teachers, game directors, and publishers. Prepares hand diagrams for lesson handouts, printed hand records, web pages, and more.

Bridge encyclopaedia, conventions, products, tournaments and practice.

Supplies for bridge club managers and resources for bridge players.
Fifth Chair

Fifth Chair promotes online bridge education for players of all levels. Their website includes a glossary, lessons on various topics, books and links.

Links to bridge tournaments and online bridge clubs, news, various resources to learn to play bridge, gifts and supplies.

Website about card games offering a page on bridge. Intended for people who have some experience of card games, but not knowledge of bridge. Provides information on the different types of bridge and resources on the Internet.
The Bridge Player

Old articles on the rules and history of bridge.

Site d'informations sur le bridge avec jeux et exercices, articles sur les enchères et le jeu de la carte, technique et probabilités (répartitions de donnes, maniements de couleurs, etc.), arbitrage et direction de tournois.
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